Report from Project Management Room
Making Waves with youth project
Mobility of youth workers – Sabac, Serbia – dates are: 28/02/2018 – 10/03/2018
•To develop innovative job browser method in youth work for professional orientation of youth, including those with fewer opportunities
Participants of the training will conduct testing to provide the project management team with information about the quality of the job browser method.
Youth exchange – Durres, Albania - dates are: 03/04/2018-14/04/2018
•To test job browser method in international context;
•To support youth, including those with fewer opportunities, to make self-assessment, to gain/improve soft skills and to develop their capacity to make decisions about their future profession
Local initiatives entitled To DO (till end of may 2018) organized by participants of YE with help of group leaders.
Each national team will prepare at least 1 local initiative.
Conference on Youth Employment Opportunities, Sabac, Serbia – dates are: 18/06/2018 – 21/06/2018
•To consider the results and achievements
of the project in the broader context;
•To emphasize evidence-based practice,
educational innovation, practical application, and networking and collaboration
Evaluation meeting, Vrboska, island Hvar, Croatia – dates are: 10/09/2018 – 14/09/2018
•To gain feedback on different elements of the project (report from the project management team);
•To evaluate and give final recommendations on the project (project management, learning processes and outcomes)