JOB BROWSER Method in Steps
Developing Competences of Youth worker Becoming a Mediator in Professional Orientation of youth, mostly those with fewer opportunities:
Project introduces a new innovative method and steps to lead youth workers/facilitators through the process of developing competences required to effectively overcome the many problems facing young people as citizens and learners, and at the same time to be effective in providing services of professional orientation. Learning Experience will move young people from the comfort zone and will improve critical thinking about their future, will influence on decision-making, and will empower them to construct and present arguments so that they can gain skills needed for desired job and gain confidence at the same time.
This will engage young people’s understanding of different soft skills through the use of varied examples.
Example of a video interview, second step of JB method
With the help of self-assessment exercises, personal reflection, detailed discussions and use of multimedia and theatre tools you as a youth worker/facilitator will help young people to make career choice and to decide about next steps in formal and non-formal education.
The benefits of this technique are:
You will help young person
to identify: favourite working conditions, environment, target job/career profile, employability (need for the occupation on the labour market)
to come in contact with person who is performing such job and to enable better insight into it (use of multimedia tools)
to make self-assessment and identify soft skills needed for desired job (use of theatre tool)
to discover what is blocking him/her on „the road“
to make career goal and plans for education
Skills of youth worker/facilitator needed to perform this technique:
to be committed and confidential
to have observational skills
empathy and to be supportive
to be creative and positive
to be honest, to know how to encourage and challenge
active listening, questioning and providing feedback